capturing the beauty
in EVERY woman

Top excuses I hear why you aren’t booking yourself a boudoir shoot

TOP EXCUSE NO. 1:  I don’t have anyone to give the pictures.

How about yourself? Boudoir photos aren’t really about somebody else. Boudoir photos are all about you. It’s about seeing yourself in a new light. Letting go of insecurities. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable and renewing your confidence. That’s about you. Not your boyfriend. Not your fiancé. Not your husband. YOU.

Don’t get me wrong—it can be a bonus if you have someone else significant to share your photos with. But it’s just that, a bonus. At the end of the day, the entire boudoir experience is about you, and you are worth it. If anyone deserves to have hot, sexy pictures of you, it’s you!

So, please don’t, just don’t. I’ve heard all the excuses, but this one is my least favorite. Do this for yourself. I could go on and on with reasoning, but I think I am the best example. I’ll be turning 33 soon and I’m celebrating with a boudoir session. It’s the best way in the world I can think of to celebrate myself. Trust me I’m at the peak of all the excuses. I’m single. I’m turning 33. I’ve gained a little weight in the past year and with hypothyroidism it can be extra hard to shed those pounds. I don’t care. I’m giving myself this gift. I am worth it. So if I can do this, so can you.

TOP EXCUSE NO. 2: I’m too fat!

“I’m too fat,” haven’t we all used that as an excuse? Or maybe it’s the opposite and that you’d say you’re too skinny. Whether you look in the mirror pinching your fat rolls or you’re praying that one day you’ll go to sleep a size A cup and wake up a DD —it seems as body loathing is the one thing we all have in common

The simple truth is…your body is perfect! Yes, your body, YOU. Not some future version either, but right now in this moment, it’s perfect. Why?—because it’s yours. No one else looks the way you do and that’s one of life’s spectacular gifts.

Now you may still be clutching that fat roll holding onto your body shaming conviction….if you’re in that camp let me tell you this…
I know how to pose you. I have spent countless hours taking workshops, photographing women, and logged a considerable amount of mirror time coaching myself through poses. I know the angles that are flattering and that not all bodies are the same. We’ll highlight those aspects you want to celebrate and downplay any “perceived flaws.”

Then there’s wardrobe. Like the clothes we wear everyday, different lingerie flatters different body types. My gift to you upon booking your shoot is a lingerie guide outlining the basics. I’m always willing to chat further to help you narrow down what will really work best for your session.

Are you tempted yet?
I hope you are seriously considering a boudoir session. Despite the self-confidence boost that accompanies the experience, it’s a lot of fun. But most importantly YOU ARE ENOUGH! Maybe you still need the boudoir idea to marinate a bit. Really wrap your consciousness around the idea. In the meantime, just remember, you’re enough. Stop holding yourself to standards you’ve conceptualized and our society has set for you. Realize the journey you are on in this moment. Don’t live your life for a future self that you’ve idealized. You, the you right now, is more than perfect. So accept it, and embrace it. Then one day I hope for you to waltz into my studio, ready for a day of makeup, a photoshoot, and celebrating.

TOP EXCUSE NO. 3: It’s too expensive!

Money, at its core, is just a piece of paper. Value, however, is the word we’re really concerned with. Value is defined as: the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something. So what does having boudoir photos do for you? What’s the value? Having been on both sides of the boudoir experience, this is what I can personally attest— I have seen boudoir photos instill confidence, fight off body image issues, be a day full of fun, laughing, pampering, and pure joy, and yes I have seen boudoir photos be beautiful pictures of beautiful women. It’s a little known fact we women often put ourselves last. Investing in you seems selfish. It goes against our instincts. However, when we invest in ourselves, it allows us the opportunity to help others. Be better girlfriends/wives, better mothers, volunteer our time, excel in our careers, you name it. If we don’t invest in our own well-being and confidence, our energy, time, or strength dwindles.

Back to the subject of money. Aka: paper. I don’t know your financial situation and I would never want you to “break the bank” for the boudoir experience. If I could give every woman a boudoir session for free, I would. But….I have a mortgage, and bills, and I like vacations, and a pair of new workout pants, just as much as you. I have a studio and a stylist and insurance and all those mundane, boring business expenses required just to provide you with the option of a session. So if you think a boudoir session has value, book one; YAY! I’m so excited about the possibility of working with you. If it’s in your heart but not in your budget, save. Save for this experience just as I did myself. It was worth it—every penny. Now if you don’t see the value, that’s fine. Don’t book a shoot if you don’t think it’s worth it. The last thing I want is you resenting this experience or me. Just remember that at the end of the day we’re not talking about dollars or cents. We’re talking about value. Now you have to decide…

TOP EXCUSE NO. 4: I don’t want my pictures on the internet.

I understand. No, but really, I understand. I have had many clients walk through my door who feel the exact same way. No matter what the reason, I promise to honor your wishes.

After your session you’ll sign a model release that lets me know what you are or are not comfortable allowing me to share. The ball is always in your court.
Some clients allow me to share all their images and I love it. How could I not? I love my job and I promise I’ll love your images as much as you do. So, of course, I want to share. I want to show the world just how awesome and beautiful you are. More important to me, however, is that you have a good experience. If you feel more comfortable keeping your images to yourself, I am dedicated to keeping your secret.

All I ask is that you be honest with me, and let me know your comfort level. If you have any reservations at all, just say no. I promise it’s fine. The Internet will never know.

TOP EXCUSE NO. 5: I’m not comfortable being naked in front of others

Dude me neither. I am extremely self-conscious on all things to do with my body. While boudoir requires vulnerability, vulnerability does not imply nudity. We want to strip down those insecurities but that doesn’t mean you have to full on strip. If you feel more comfortable in a crop top and jeans or a tight-fitting dress, that works for me.

Everyone has different comfort levels. There is a certain amount of awkwardness that may come from moving outside your comfort zone but that doesn’t mean I ever want you to feel pushed too far. My goal is to give you a great experience that makes you feel empowered. So if you’re not comfortable being naked in front of others, it’s okay. No nudity required.

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