capturing the beauty
in EVERY woman

WHAT’S YOUR EXCUSE?: I don’t have the money to invest on a boudoir session

money-excuseWHAT’S YOUR EXCUSE?: I don’t have the money to invest on a boudoir session

Ahhhhh money. That’s one of the big ones.

Did you know my first ever job (aside from babysitting and occasional cleaning gigs) was a cashier at the local grocery store. Before I ever got my first paycheck I knew exactly what I was going to do with each dollar I received. Even to this day I designate Friday to balancing both my personal and business checkbooks. Tracking every dollar I own or owe down to the cent. Maybe this is just my left-brain taking over or the fact that I grew up with a mother who has a degree in accounting. Whatever the reason, it’s safe to say; I have a pretty good understanding of money.

The truth is money, at its core, is just a piece of paper. Value, however, is the word we’re really concerned with here. Value is defined as: the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something

So what does having boudoir photos do for you? What’s the value? Having been on both sides of the boudoir experience, this is what I can personally attest— I have seen boudoir photos instill confidence. I have seen boudoir photos fight off body image issues. I have seen boudoir photos be a day full of fun, laughing, pampering, and pure joy. And yes I have seen boudoir photos be beautiful pictures of beautiful women.

It’s a little known fact we women often put ourselves last. Investing in you seems selfish. However, it’s like on the airplane when the attendant comes over the speaker and tells you—in case of an accident—put your mask on first. It seems wrong and goes against our instincts. However, when we invest in ourselves, it allows us the opportunity to help others. Be better girlfriends/wives, better mothers, volunteer our time, excel in our careers, you name it. If we don’t invest in our own well-being and confidence, our energy, time, or strength dwindles.

Back to the subject of money. Aka: paper. I don’t know your financial situation and I would never want you to “break the bank” for the boudoir experience. If I could give every woman a boudoir session for free, I would. But….I have a mortgage, and bills, and I like vacations, and a pair of new workout pants, just as much as you. I have a studio and a stylist and insurance and all those mundane, boring business expenses required just to provide you with the option of a session. So if you think a boudoir session has value, book one; YAY! I’m so excited about the possibility of working with you. If it’s in your heart but not in your budget, save. Save for this experience just as I did myself. My last boudoir session I saved money for an entire year. It was worth it—every penny. Now if you don’t see the value, that’s fine. Don’t book a shoot if you don’t think it’s worth it. The last thing I want is you resenting this experience or me. Just remember that at the end of the day we’re not talking about dollars or cents. We’re talking about value. Now you have to decide…

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