capturing the beauty
in EVERY woman

WHAT’S YOUR EXCUSE?: boudoir defies my values

excuseWhat’s your excuse?: boudoir defies my values

This is more of a statement than an excuse, but it’s something I’d like to address all the same. I can’t compete with your convictions. However, I can share some of my own. For just a moment take a seat and let me show you the view from my eyes.

I grew up going to the Baptist church down the street. I mean we’re talking right down the street. We walked one block and boom—get ready for some worship. So I know a thing or two about morality (at least in the Christian mindset). I also know a thing or two about judgment. Something we all struggle with and causes hurt in others. I was taught and still believe our bodies are made by God. They are made to be loved and respected, not resented.

I don’t photograph women clad in lingerie for some erotic display of sex. I photograph women to prove they are beautiful. Not prove it to me or their husbands or the world. It’s to prove it to them. You may not agree that boudoir photography is the right way to give a woman back her confidence and help with the body resenting epidemic, but, I do. I’ve seen it work. I’ve seen women have full blown transformations in my studio. Days I photograph boudoir sessions I leave exhausted yet full of pure joy and happiness.

So you may not agree but to me boudoir is not about sex. It’s not about exploiting or the degradation of women. Boudoir is about empowering women. Helping women to love their bodies and themselves. Therefore, boudoir is right on point with my morals. And if you don’t agree just pass on by with out another thought. Don’t waste your time judging. Because judgment, whether it’s in reference to others or ourselves. Judgment does not fit my morale code.

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