capturing the beauty
in EVERY woman


EXCUSES, we all have them. What’s yours? I hear it often when I tell people I photograph boudoir. “OH, I’ve always wanted to do that but…” The dreaded but; I hate it, loathe it, but…

I come up with excuses too. Do you know I almost didn’t ride in a gondola in Venice? My traveling partner had already been to Venice and did the gondola thing. The price tag for a gondola ride was pretty expensive and I had a gelato habit I was determined to keep. I wasn’t in love and had no boyfriend, husband, fantasy guy to ride with. So many excuses kept me from almost missing one of my top bucket list items. Had my friend not insisted we go, “if I really wanted to” I may never have marked that off my list. I was so close to letting my excuses keep me from having an experience I’ll remember for the rest of my life.

There’s always some reason I can justify not getting something done or why I’m holding myself back from things I’ve always wanted. It’s when I stop the excuse from sliding out of my mouth, push forward and “do the damn thing,” that I have the best experiences in my life.

So before I hear you say “but,” over the next two weeks I’m preemptively giving you my very thought out responses on why people don’t book a boudoir shoot.

I want to live in a world where we stop the “I can’t” and find the “yes, that was amazing!” This applies beyond boudoir. Go after life. Do all the things. Stop the excuses and just do.

And for your viewing pleasure…me on the afore mentioned gondola (age 21) in Venice.


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